Our Residents
We have quite a few animals for the kids to enjoy. Each one has a unique personality that brings life to the ranch!
What makes our program successful? It is our dedicated volunteers and our horses. Horses have an amazing sense of a person’s inner being. They don’t stereotype. They don’t care about your past. They make connections with people in ways that often cannot be duplicated by humans. It’s our horses that help break down the walls or barriers of these kids, while building up their confidence. This, in turn, allows us to mentor these children and hopefully make a difference in their lives.

Bailey is a palomino mare that has been at the ranch for almost 12 years. When Bailey was a young filly at another farm, she was often picked on by the other horses, so much so, that when a gate was pushed off its hinges, she was pushed into it and severly injured her shoulder. She endured 3,000 stitches that left a huge, unsightly scar. Her story, with her visible scar, as well as her inner scars from being bullied, allow many kids to instantly relate to her. Bailey helps show kids how to learn to overcome their own scarred pasts. Bailey is a ranch superstar when it comes to connecting with kids, and helping them develop confidence and inner strength.

Dewey is a large, sorrel gelding with a wide blaze and four bright, white socks. He has been at the ranch helping to impact the lives of kids for almost 20 years! He is often referred to as one of our “Gentle Giants,” for he is indeed a very large horse. With his big stature comes an even bigger heart. Dewey has an incredible ability to connect with many, many kids, especially those that have disabilities or special needs. He has a special protective nature about him that attracts kids like a magnet!

Cheyenne is a beautiful paint mare with a spunky personality. She is quite a sassy gal, but that doesn’t keep her from wanting to work with the kids. Every time kids are at the ranch, Cheyenne is usually the first to come forward to work with the kids. She is definitely a favorite!

Little Man
Little Man, is a cute, small paint pony that came to us when one of our volunteers found him online. He had been abused and was very skittish and shy. You could say that he had completely lost his faith in humans. Since he arrived at the Ranch we’ve shown him lots of love and have been working on building his trust and confidence. It has been amazing to see how the kids instantly connect to Little Man. His bright blue eyes light up as he responds to their love and affection.

Rudy is a strapping, sorrel gelding that has been at the ranch for over 15 years! Rudy is a true cowboy horse. He is brave, reliable, and confident; traits he seems to bring out in all those he connects with. Rudy is quite the pal to most of the other horses, but most importantly, he’s a good pal to many of the kids that get to come to the ranch. His kind eye and loving attitude makes him a favorite for many of Roanoke Ranch for Kids’s visitors.

Ruby is a bay mare quarter horse and came to us in 2017. Ruby's career involved barrel racing and working with kids camps at Springhill Ranch. Soon after the Ranch adopted her, Ruby not only took to the other horses, but also to all the kids that come here, quickly becoming a favorite. Ruby loves being groomed so much, she will fall asleep during the process. She loves scratches on her back and behind her ears, and really enjoys going on trail rides with the other horses!

Rojo has been with at the ranch since 2020. Rojo is a large, statuesque, Sorrel Gelding. Rojo proudly served area residents with the Kent County Sheriff's Office Mounted Unit for 13 years. We are grateful for their generous partnership with Rojo's career change. We are excited that Rojo chose to spend his retirement here helping at-risk kids.

Teddy is our newest horse, and the youngest, at 10 years old. He joined the ranch in the Fall of 2021. He is a Percheron and Pink Paint mix with chocolate chip eyes and stands 15.3 hands. His previous owners felt Roanoke Ranch would be the perfect place for this lovable TEDDY bear. He loves people. He loves attention. And, he loves kids.

Shadrach, our resident comedian. Always excited to welcome our guests and always able to put a smile on your face.

Joseph, aka Little Joe. The Goat of many colors. Always willing to give you a "kiss", be in a "selfie", or go for a walk.

Clyde, our floppy eared goat. Clyde is just as goofy as Little Joe, but really loves butting in for all the attention!
