Sponsor A Horse

Our horses are invaluable to the programs at Roanoke Ranch for Kids. They help teach confidence, leadership, and compassion to all of our visitors. Your sponsorship will help us continue bringing positive, life-changing experiences to kids in need throughout West Michigan.
Your sponsorship provides:
• Veterinarian visits and check-ups
• Equine dentist visits
• Bi-monthly farrier
• Special vitamins
• Feed
• New tack and tack repairs
• Emergencies
• Extra treats
Sponsorship Levels
Gold Sponsor: As a Gold Sponsor, you will be the sole sponsor of a horse that will appreciate your love and support all year! To show our appreciation, you will receive a Roanoke Ranch plaque, embellished with a horseshoe, along with a framed photo of your horse. In addition, you will be invited to a Meet & Greet Sponsorship Day where you will get to meet your horse and his or her friends at Roanoke Ranch for Kids!
One-time annual donation of $2500 or Monthly donations of $210
Group Sponsorships are welcomed!
Silver Sponsor: As a Silver Sponsor, you will contribute a significant and valuable portion to your sponsor horse’s care. You will receive a special certificate of appreciation, along with a framed photo of your sponsored horse. You and your fellow Silver Sponsors will be invited to a Meet & Greet Sponsorship Day at Roanoke Ranch for Kids.
One-time annual donation of $1500 or Monthly donations of $125
Bronze Sponsor: As a Bronze Sponsor, you will help provide the needed care for a very appreciative horse! As a token of our appreciation, you will receive a certificate and photo of your horse. In addition, you will be invited to a Meet & Greet Sponsorship Day at Roanoke Ranch for Kids.
One-time annual donation of $750 or Monthly donations of $65
Please call or email us to get a list of available horses
Phone: 616-987-0703
Email: Roanokeranch4kids@gmail.com